Avi Controller backup and restore

I will introduce Avi Networks back up and restore procedure.

It took more time than I expected.


■Confirm backup configurations

admin@10-1-1-10:~$ shell

Login: admin



s[admin:10-1-1-10]: > show scheduler Default-Scheduler


| Field             | Value                                          |


| uuid              | scheduler-7760b0fd-f9b1-474a-aec7-5f8cecfa6ffc |

| name              | Default-Scheduler                              |

| enabled           | True                                           |

| run_mode          | RUN_MODE_PERIODIC                              |

| start_date_time   | 2021-06-24T04:05:30.716351                     |

| frequency         | 1                                              |

| frequency_unit    | SCHEDULER_FREQUENCY_UNIT_DAY                   |

| backup_config_ref | Backup-Configuration                           |

| scheduler_action  | SCHEDULER_ACTION_BACKUP                        |

| tenant_ref        | admin                                          |


[admin:10-1-1-10]: > show backupconfiguration Backup-Configuration


| Field                  | Value                                                    |


| uuid                   | backupconfiguration-cf622e2c-0e05-4fb0-8065-972b4ffd3d45 |

| name                   | Backup-Configuration                                     |

| save_local             | True                                                     |

| maximum_backups_stored | 4                                                        |

| backup_passphrase      | <sensitive>                                              |

| tenant_ref             | admin                                                    |



■change backup configurations

> configure scheduler Default-Scheduler

 < https://avinetworks.com/docs/latest/backup-and-restore-of-avi-vantage-configuration/>


■Backup file path

admin@10-1-1-10:/var/backups$ sudo find / -name backup_Default-Scheduler*

find: File system loop detected; ‘/host/root2’ is part of the same file system loop as ‘/’.






■Download backup file


You can download just click on "Local file".

(Local Fileの該当ファイルをクリックすればDLできる)


■Back up execution


Login and change to shell mode


[admin:10-1-1-10]: > export configuration file /tmp/aviBkup3node.json full_system

Please enter the passphrase to encrypt configuration:

Retype passphrase:

Downloaded the attachment to /tmp/aviBkup3node.json

Completed writing the export configuration to /tmp/aviBkup3node.json


The backup file does not show up in previous GUI page because file path was different from regular back up file path.




■Controller Cluster Restoration

・Upload backup file

scp /var/backup/avi_config.json admin@://tmp/avi_config.json



  1. Deploy three new controllers and power on VM.
  2. Access via browser and set password @controllers.
  3. Login 3 Controllers and apply patch same as backup acquired version.
  4. SSH to the 2-follower Controllers.

    execure "reboot clean" on shell mode.

  1. SSH to 1-Leader Controller, upload backup.json file and execute "restore_config.py".





Command sample.

sudo /opt/avi/scripts/restore_config.py --config /tmp/aviBkup3node.json --passphrase HogeHoge --vip --followers --flushdb






'CLUSTER_FOLLOWER', 'up_since': '2021-11-01 06:02:40'}, {'state': 'CLUSTER_ACTIVE', 'name': '', 'mgmt_ip': '', 'role': 'CLUSTER_LEADER', 'up_since': '2021-11-01 06:02:40'}, {'state': 'CLUSTER_ACTIVE', 'name': '', 'mgmt_ip': '', 'role': 'CLUSTER_FOLLOWER', 'up_since': '2021-11-01 06:02:40'}]

======== Configuration Restored for 3-node cluster ========



You will able to restore Controller Cluster.

Thank you.